Our Landscaping Company Answers Your Pressing Questions
If you aren’t an expert landscaper in Wichita, Kansas, then it’s likely that you have at least one nagging question about caring for your lawn and gardens. And when it comes to hardscape landscaping, it’s likely that you have questions about that, too! The pros at Meadowlark Landscape & Design sat down to give you the answers you need. And when you need help from our Wichita landscaping experts, contact us at (316) 880-0227 or send us a message online for a consultation and estimate.
How Often Should I Water My Lawn?
Established lawns are pretty resilient, and don’t need as much water as you may think. And because grass can go dormant and recover after rain, you may find that you don’t need to water your lawn at all, if you don’t want to.
If you do water your lawn, water until the top six to eight inches of soil is wet. Most lawns need an inch to an inch and a half of water every week, either applied all at once, or divided into two waterings within a week.
It’s best to water your lawn before 10 a.m., when it’s cooler, and your lawn has a chance to absorb the water. If you must water later in the day, between 4 and 6 p.m. is fine - but the later you water, the greater the chance of lawn disease.
If you’re looking for lawn care, our Wichita, KS landscaping professionals can help you determine how and when to water.
What Is a Native Plant? Why Should I Have Them in My Garden?
A native plant is one that has developed over hundreds or thousands of years in a region or ecosystem. In short, it’s a plant that’s been growing in our area naturally for a very long time. Native plants are ideal food for pollinators and local critters, so when you grow them in your garden, you’re helping support our natural ecosystems. You may also find that more butterflies, hummingbirds, and other desirable creatures visit your garden more frequently when you opt for native plants. Another great benefit of native plants is that they are resilient and don’t require a lot of extra care. They already thrive where you live, which means you need to water or fertilize less often. Our landscape designers can create a gorgeous garden for you, filled with native plants. Let’s chat about how to transform your lawn into a native plant and pollinator paradise.
My Lawn is Patchy. How Do I Fix It?
Your lawn may look patchy for many reasons, including disease, insects, excessive shade, or dogs that damage your grass, for example. The method to use to remedy your patchy lawn depends on why it’s patchy. You may need more water, grub control, tree trimming, or reseeding to help thicken up your grass. Our Wichita landscaping company can diagnose your lawn’s issues and help return yours to looking thick, lush, and green.
What Gardening Zone Am I In? What Does That Mean?
Sometimes called gardening zones, hardiness zones are areas where certain plants can grow. Hardiness zones are defined by climate, including minimum temperatures. Wichita, Kansas, is in hardiness zone 6b. The majority of Kansas is zone 6, but 6a and 6b conditions are found to the north and south. The northernmost part of the state, however, is 5b, while southern pockets are 7a.
What Are the Pros and Cons of a Natural Stone Patio Versus a Concrete Patio?
Hardscape landscaping adds livable outdoor areas and features to your property and helps create division between planting areas, prevents erosion, and more. Meadowlark Landscape & Design can help you create a hardscape landscaping plan for your property, plus install stone garden walls, walking paths, and patios. Many homeowners are unsure whether a poured concrete patio or a natural stone patio is a better option for them. For the most part, it comes down to personal preference. However, we highly recommend natural stone patios because they are made of organic materials and are environmentally friendly. They also tend to be more aesthetically pleasing than standard poured concrete. If you’re going for an elevated look, our hardscape landscaping team at Meadowlark can help you with a new patio, outdoor kitchen or firepit, and more.
What Pests and Diseases Can Harm My Trees?
Cankerworms, bagworms, Japanese beetles, aphids, fungus, and bacteria can all cause tree disease and death in Wichita. If you’re seeing lots of peeling bark, browning leaves, or unusual growths forming on your trees, then it’s best to get a professional out to take a look. Disease spreads easily from tree to tree, so don’t delay calling a Wichita landscaping company to help take care of your trees.
Do Trees Need Fertilizer, Too?
Yes, you can provide additional nutrients to the trees on your property, as well as control disease and insect infestations. Meadowlark Landscape & Design offers the ArborJet Injection System year-round. Our system provides pest control, defends against iron deficiency, and boosts nutrients. Just like you’d go to the doctor to receive an injection, your trees can, too.
Who Is the Best Wichita, KS Landscaping Company?
When you’re looking to hire a landscape company, you want to find one that provides an array of services beyond simply mowing your grass or fertilizing your lawn. This ensures your property gets everything it needs. Get superior landscaping services when you work with Meadowlark Landscape & Design. To learn what your lawn and garden needs, contact us to schedule a consultation.