Our Landscaping Experts Weigh In On the Benefits and Drawbacks of Lawn Monoculture - and How We Can Help Beautify Your Lawn
Lawns are an integral component of both urban and suburban landscapes. Think about all the space lawns cover just in your neighborhood. A lot of grass, right?
There are many ideas surrounding growing and maintaining the perfect lawn, with monoculture being among one of the more popular approaches for homeowners. No one can deny the satisfaction that comes from mowing a green, lush, and uniform lawn.
With more discussions around sustainability these days, lawn monoculture has been perceived by some as a less environmentally friendly choice. Is this something to be worried about? Let us look at more information about lawn monoculture and how it affects the world around us.
What Is a Lawn Monoculture?
Monocultures are all around us. Particularly used in agriculture, it refers to growing only one crop species in a given area.
So is a managed forest for producing wood products also a monoculture? Yep. How about a farm that only raises chickens? That too.
When you sow just one type of grass, that is a monoculture. It is a favorite of lawn enthusiasts who want a yard that is the envy of the neighborhood.
Because you are only dealing with a single species, you do not have to worry about different care for different grasses. It simplifies maintenance to a consistent treatment.
Curb appeal is the main draw of lawn monoculture, though. There is something particularly fulfilling about looking out a window and seeing a flawless blanket of grass.
Are Monocultures Harmful?
As with anything, perfect-looking lawns have their downsides. Lawn monoculture generally relies on non-native grasses like Bermuda grass, which comes from Africa, or Zoysia grass, which comes from Asia.
As a result, monoculture lawns can be deserts for pollinators and other local wildlife. There is no pollen to be found in cut grass, meaning bees do not get the nutrients they need to thrive. With fewer bees, birds’ and other small mammals’ food supplies are affected.
Introduce Native Plants to Your Monoculture Lawn
If you prefer the look of lawn monoculture, we get it! The good news is that there are things you can do to still attract pollinators. Start by adding elements of native plants to your yard.
Native plants are well-adapted to our local ecosystem and tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. Before you begin planting, though, you should first decide on the garden aesthetic you are going for.
Formal gardens have clear borders and defined space between plantings, ideal for more manicured landscapes. Some native species are more aggressive by nature, though, and can quickly overtake a bed. If you go the formal route, you might want to avoid native plants like black-eyed Susan and sunflowers for this reason.
In contrast, informal gardens are free-form and meadow-like, growing a diverse and colorful display. Keep in mind that different plants will dominate from year to year depending on winter moisture levels and growing season conditions.
Once you have determined your landscape style, you can start creating your native garden. There are more than 2,200 native plant species in Kansas, so you have no shortage of wildflowers, trees, shrubs, and more to choose from. Some of the most popular include:
Blazing Star
Butterfly Milkweed
False Indigo
Joe Pye Weed
Poppy Mallow
Solomon’s Seal
Virginia Bluebells
And more!
Get the Lawn of Your Dreams Through Chemistry and Expertise from Meadowlark Landscape & Design
A healthy, well cared for lawn never goes out of style - whether you are a fan of Wichita lawn monoculture or including a mix of grass species throughout your yard.
At Meadowlark Landscape & Design, we specialize in superior lawn care services customized to your needs. With fertilization as well as insect prevention and weed control, we can help keep your lawn beautiful all season long. Here’s how:
Lawn Fertilization: Your lawn must be fed to flourish. Using a proven five-step program, our fertilization method provides your grass with adequate nutrients to stay thick and full.
Insect Prevention: Armyworms, white grubs, and beetle larvae are all responsible for wreaking havoc on plants and lawns. Our specialists can stop an infestation in its tracks with professional, customized treatments.
Weed Control: The list of Wichita weeds goes on and on - from crabgrass to henbit - and they can quickly grow rampant across your yard and flower beds. Different weed variants require unique treatments, which is why we have a full range of care tactics that will protect your lawn and garden plants.
Get in touch with the professionals at Meadowlark to learn how we can help you take control of your lawn. For any questions related to our services - or if you’re interested in getting a free estimate - fill out the contact form on our website. Or call us at (316) 880-0227 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.